Continue to grow even after ramadan with this challenge ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿš€

Great news about UNRWA ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ and master the game of finance ๐ŸŽฎ

Salam Aleikoum ๐Ÿ‘‹

In this last Ramadan edition, you will discover how you can continue to improve yourself even after this sacred month, insha Allah!

There is great news about UNRWA ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ and opportunities for refugees in the Netherlands ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

Discover also how you can get to know which businesses have potential and which cause inflation ๐Ÿ˜–

And to end greatly, discover how you can master the game of finance through a podcast with Almir Colan, founder of Muslim Money Matters ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Enjoy the read ๐Ÿ’™

General Business News

Funding for UNRWA Continuous

After Israels claims that some of UNRWA staff members participated in Hamasโ€™s October 7 attacks, funding to the humanitarian organization has been paused by several countries.

This is critical, because UNRWA is an organization that provides 5.9 million Palestinian refugees with food, healthcare and schooling ๐Ÿ’™

Moreover, as the United Nations said, Israel has not provided evidence to support its claims.

The European Commission as well as countries like Japan, Canada and Australia have therefore lifted their funding pauses.

Meaning that funding of UNRWA will continue, alhamdou lillah!

Climate change could worsen inflation ?

Rising temperatures and extreme weather events are having a global effect on agriculture and, consequently, on food inflation.

Rising average temperatures are likely to increase annual food inflation by 3.2% and overall inflation by 1.18% by 2035, says a new study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

At the meantime, global inflation could rise by between 0.32% and 1.18% a year on average worldwide, according to the study.

In the research, scientists investigated how climatic factors such as high temperatures and extreme precipitation have affected inflation in previous years.

This shows that various aspects can have an impact on the economy.

In this case it are meteorological issues. But another example is the war in Ukraine. Which had a huge impact on oil and gas prices in Europe.

What we can take from this, besides the fact that global warming is affecting our day-to-day lives, is that when doing business, you should always do an extensive market and trend research.

By doing so, you will analyze if a business has true potential or not and if it has risk factors associated with it. As a business, you could also be affected by inflation due to global warming.

A great market and trend research you do is the DESTEP-analysis.

It is an analysis with the objective of market and trend research, focusing on six themes:

  1. Demographic

  2. Economic

  3. Social-Cultural

  4. Technological

  5. Ecological

  6. Political

By doing this research, you will have extensive proof and information about a particular business.

And if you choose a particular business, choose one that doesnโ€™t cause even higher inflation through global warming ๐Ÿ˜Š

Innovation of the Day

Opportunities for Refugees through Solar Panels

Refugees may find it difficult when arriving in a new country, especially if they are seeking a job.

They become an underutilized source of labor.

Thatโ€™s where Dutch startup The Switch saw the opportunity.

You must know that the Netherlands is pushing immensely in the investment of sustainable energy systems, such as solar panels ๐Ÿ”†

But, as elsewhere, the country has a shortage of skilled technicians within the energy sector.

The Switch therefore initiated a free job training program for refugees with residency status. The goal is to make them true technical workers.

After the completion of their educational program, the participants embark on a three-month apprenticeship. After that, they even get an employment contract. Isn't that amazing?

This does two things: it shortens the lack of qualified technicians and brings value to the lives of refugees.

Thatโ€™s what we, as Muslims, should strive for. We should aim to bring value to society on a larger scale. And as shown with The Switch, this can be done through providing new workplaces or schooling programs.

Growth Advice

Your Plan to Success

We are nearing the end of this Ramadan โ€ฆ

This Ramadan went by very quickly, didn't it?

As it happens, we are in the last couple of days of this sacred month.

And while we do our best to utilize these last days and nights in the greatest way possible, we must think of what comes after Ramadan.

Just like weโ€™ve planned our days and nights during Ramadan, we must plan our days after it, insha Allah.

Hopefully, you have built up a good amount of taqwa and imaan. It is now your responsibility to preserve that and use it as a boost.

Because Iโ€™m going to propose something to you for the months following Ramadan!

Something that can change your life, insha Allah!

I propose that you make a three-month action plan ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ

An action plan based upon specific objectives, and dedicated tasks to fulfill those objectives.

You can choose what you want to work on during these three months; it can go from improving your business to developing yourself or learning something new.
As long, it is halal and valuable enough for your future insha Allah.

And you focus on these objectives for a period of three months.

Why three months?

Because it is a great amount of time when accumulated little tasks can have a big impact.

Here is an example:

Imagine if you want to learn a new skill.

Then, depending on your agenda and availability, you plan a certain amount of hours within your week to learn that new skill.

For just 3 hours a week, you will have progressed a lot within 3 months insha Allah. This is because of consistency.

And to make things even better, letโ€™s choose specific dates for this 3-month challenge:

The start day of the 3-month action plan will be April 12th.

The end of the 3-month action plan will be on June 27th.

So take the time while we are still in Ramadan to plan the following three months based upon your objectives and life goals.

Because if you want change, you must take action.

Within three months from now, on June 27th, I will be asking how the challenge went, so better give it your best!

May Allah make it easy for you ๐Ÿคฒ

New Newsletter Schedule

From now on, a new edition will be published every week on Thursday, insha Allah.

This is in order to provide a consistent quality newsletter, designed to inspire, inform and instruct you to business success, insha Allah !

Improve by knowing
BWB Podcast with Almir Colan

To win, you have to know the rules of the game ๐ŸŽฎ

And the game we are playing is the game of business.

If you want to build and improve your business, you must know how finance and the economy works!

Thatโ€™s why I had a discussion with Almir Colan, founder of Muslim Money Matters.

He talked about the importance of financial literacy and other valuable advice.

This podcast is not to miss; it is of great value! 

Watch the podcast ๐Ÿ‘‰

Who should be the next guest? Reply on this mail with telling who you would like to see on the podcast, insha Allah!

This is it for today, hope you enjoyed ๐Ÿ˜Š 

However, I want to conclude by encouraging you to give your every effort during these last days of Ramadan!

It can really change your life, both in this dunya and in the hereafter, insha Allah โ˜๏ธ

Also check out this newsletter from a brother โฌ‡๏ธ

Digital MuslimHelping busy Muslims navigate the world with curated ideas, stories and news (with a dash of humour). New issue every Tuesday.

Don't forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters in your dua's ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿคฒ

Barakallahou fik and see you next Thursday insha Allah๐Ÿ˜Š

- Business With Barakah ๐Ÿ’™

PS: Donโ€™t forget to share this newsletter with your friends and family; this way you can help the newsletter have more impact, insha Allah!