First Edition is out 💙 🎉

From opening a business in Dubai🇦🇪 to charging your vehicle in Malaysia🇲🇾

Salam Aleikoum 👋

In this FIRST EDITION of the Business With Barakah newsletter, you will find ways to get success and Barakah in your business during Ramadan, insha Allah⭐️

You will discover more about the business landscape in Dubai🇦🇪 and the innovation within the electric vehicle market in Malaysia🇲🇾, insha Allah. 

There is also an amazing first podcast with Osama Musa, Founder of Muslim Ameer! He shared a lot of wisdom about how you can grow your business🚀

Hope you enjoy the read💙

General Business News

Business fever in Dubai

We know Dubai is very attractive for Islamic and financial (no taxes😉) reasons, right?

But are people really moving to Dubai to set up their businesses?

Sure they are! And this massively!

As the Dubai Chamber of Commerce reports, huge numbers of non-UAE businesses have been established in 2023.
As the President and CEO of Dubai Chambers, Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, said: “During the past year, Dubai has consistently attracted foreign direct investment from many different nations and sectors, underlining the diversity of the emirate’s business environment and its broad economic appeal as a global business destination.”

And do you know what countries invest the most?

Number one: India. A total of 15,481 new Indian-owned businesses joined the landscape in 2023.
Following is Pakistan with 8,036 new businesses in Dubai, which is a 71.2 % growth compared to 2022.
And the third is Egypt, with 4,837 newly registered members.

Most of the companies, 44.2%, that registered in 2023 according to the Dubai Chamber of Commerce are wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles sector.

After seeing these numbers, are you the next one?

Indonesia’s Young and Golden Generation

Back in the 1990s, Indonesia’s young people played a big role in the fight for democracy.

Today, they have another important responsibility: they must fulfill Indonesia’s Golden 2045 Vision 🇮🇩.

This is a plan from the newly elected Indonesian President Prabowo, who won the election in which, for the first time, more than half of registered voters (52%) were below the age of 40.
His plan is that Indonesia becomes a developed, high-income country, with the world’s fifth-largest economy by its 100th year of independence.

Surely ambitious, but possible?

This Marathon for a Golden Indonesia can happen thanks to the younger generation, insha Allah!
As of today, young people in Indonesia are very active when it comes to Indonesian diplomacy.
They follow these issues on social media and aren’t afraid to react.

This shows that youth play an important role in society. And because of that, we should invest immensely in our youth, in all aspects of life, as well as Islamic.

Because a flower 🌱 can’t grow if its ground is unhealthy and its maintenance is inconsistent (one to ponder about😁) .

And if you’re a young person, do your best to be the best of people for the people, with your intentions always being sincerely for Allah s.w.t.

Innovation of the Day

EV-Chargers as the new “vending Machines”

Malaysia’s 🇲🇾 electric vehicle market skyrocketed; sales increased by 286% in 2023.

This is awesome but what about the charging infrastructure, that needs to follow the trend rapidly⚡️.

That is where ChargeSini saw the opportunity and came up with an innovative business model for EV Chargers!

Offering the opportunity for people to invest in their own charging station. With prices starting at only 100,000 MYR (€19.503,69 or $21.340,16) you can own your own EV station, where people can buy and charge their electric vehicles. Turning it into a vending machine-like business.

ChargeSini installs the charger and handles repairs. To make things easy, they have an app were they add every charger, so that through it, consumers may locate the chargers and pay for it.

Best of all, you, as a "partner,” can keep all the profits!

Growth Advice

Barakah & Success for you Business in Ramadan

We are in the blessed month of Ramadan. And we can use this opportunity to get Barakah and Success into our businesses from Allah s.w.t.

How ?

First get your foundation right:

  1. Purify your intention; make your intention to worship Allah through your business.

  2. Make sure your business is islamicaly allowed and that you don’t do anything haram.

Once that’s all set up, it is now your job to work hard and trust Allah & make dua to Him.

As the Hadith goes:

Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517

Here are some dua’s that you can make to get success in your business, insha Allah:

  1. Arabic words: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا وَرِزْقًا طَيِّبًا وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً

    Roman words: Allaahumma innee as’aluka ‛ilman naafi‛an, warizqan ṭayyiban, wa ‛amalan mutaqabbalaa

    English Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, good provision, and deeds that will be accepted.” – Ibn Majah 925

  2. Arabic words: رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ

    Roman words: Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer

    English Translation: ” My Lord Indeed I am in need of whatever good you send down to me.” – Quran 28:24

  3. Arabic words: وَمَا تَوْفِيقِىٓ إِلَّا بِٱللَّهِ ۚ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَإِلَيْهِ أُنِيبُ

    Roman words: Wa maa tawfeeqeee illaa billaah; ‘alaihi tawakkaltu wa ilaihi uneeb

    English Translation: “My success comes only through Allah. In Him I trust and to Him I turn.” (Surah Hud – 11:88)

Last advice: Be in need of the help of Allah, as He is the only One Who Gives Success!

And help others, as Allah is in the assistance of His servant, so long as His servant is in the assistance of His Brother!

May Allah bring success and Barakah in your business, Ameen 🤲


BWB Podcast with Osama,
Founder of Muslim Amber

Why is a strong mental game important? How do you grow your business? Muslim business leader?

These are some of the topics we’ve discussed during our first BWB Podcast, with Osama as our first guest.

Osama Musa is the founder of Muslim Ameer. Osama is on a mission to develop 1000 Muslim leaders by 2030, insha Allah

Who should be the next guest? Reply on this mail with telling who you would like to see on the podcast, insha Allah!

And… How was the first edition⁉️

Your feedback is warmly welcomed, so if you have something to share, just respond to this email 😁

Don't forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters in your dua's 🇵🇸 🤲

Barakallahou fik and Ramadan Kareem 😊

- Business With Barakah 💙

PS: Don’t forget to share this newsletter with your friends and family; this way you can help the newsletter have more impact, insha Allah!