Start your week in a great manner !

Green investments in Morocco 🇲🇦 and free on Jumua 💙

Salam Aleikoum 👋

Discover what the green investment possibilities are in Morocco 🇲🇦 and how a 4-day working week is more beneficial 🗓️.

Learn more about how sustainable tech ⚡️ can improve our lives, just like how ethics can improve our Businesses ⭐️.

There is also an amazing first podcast with Osama Musa, Founder of Muslim Ameer! He shared a lot of wisdom about how you can grow your business🚀

Hope you enjoy the read💙

General Business News

Moroccan Green Energy

Morocco has a very ambitious goal 🇲🇦 !

It hopes that, by 2030, 52% of its energy production will come from renewable sources, insha Allah.

This is ambitious because, at the moment, Morocco is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels and imports around 90% of its energy needs.

So for this ecological transition to be achieved, the government of Morocco invested heavily in projects and the needed infrastructure.

One of its plans is the allocation of one million hectares for green hydrogen projects. From these one million hectares, 300,000 will be made at the disposal of foreign as well as domestic investors.

Hydrogen produced by electrolysis from a renewable energy source is called green hydrogen. It can be utilized as a renewable energy source, generating solely steam and heat as its by-products. 💧

The Moroccan government states that the project has already attracted "strong and genuine interest" from hundreds of national and foreign investors.

Not to forget that Morocco has a lot of potential to generate renewable energy. Especially because it is greatly located for solar and wind resources.

The Kingdom has the largest concentrated solar power facility in the world, the Ouarzazate solar power plant. Which is the result of investments from financial institutions. 🏦

This is also possible because of the degree of political stability that the country has, which reassures investors.

What makes me ask: if you had the budget, would you invest in Morocco?

No Work on Jumuah ?

In 2022, some 61 organizations in Britain took part in a 6-month experiment: the world's largest four-day work week trial.

The results were great!

From the companies that did this 6-month experiment, 89% are still using the four-day working week a year later, and more than 50% of them have made the switch permanent.

The research also revealed that work intensity remains lower, and job satisfaction is greater than before the trial began.

96% of the employees claimed that their personal lives had benefited, and 86% said that they felt they were performing better at their jobs.

Trade unions are demanding that governments across Europe implement the four-day working week. But so far, national governments have been reluctant to officially introduce the four-day work week.

Imagine if this were implemented in most western countries!

That would only be beneficial for people’s mental health; it would also allow Muslims who are working professional jobs to have their Fridays free for jumuah, insha Allah.

Wouldn’t that be immensely beneficial??

We ask Allah s.w.t. to give us the opportunity to attend every Jumuah 🤲

Innovation of the Day

No Energy Bills for at least 5 years
for this Home ?

Imagine finishing your 4-day work week, and returning to your home without the stress of needing to pay for your electricity bill ⚡️.

This may be possible if you own one of the 250 “Zero Bills” homes - which enables you to not pay for your energy bills for at least five years.
The reason for that is because these homes have features like solar panels, home batteries and air-source heat pumps.

The project is announced to be constructed in the UK 🇬🇧 through a partnership with Octopus Energy (a utility company) and Bellway (a housing developer).

These homes wouldn’t only have environmental benefits, but the owners will save around see their annually energy bills lessen around GBP 1,800, insha Allah.

Growth Advice

Success & Barakah through Ethics

In this edition, you’ve read about ecology, green energy, and mental & financial health. This brings me to the topic of ethics within our businesses as Muslims (or as humans in general 😄).

As Muslims, we are commanded to do our best in everything that we do.

On the authority of Abu Ya'la Shaddad bin Aws (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

"Verily Allah has prescribed ihsan (perfection) in all things. …”

This doesn’t only mean that we must be technically good at our craft.
This means that every aspect of our craft must be completed in the best way possible.
You have to have the best ethics while performing your job, and the results must have a great impact, insha Allah.

Because ultimately, ethics in your work will bring you success and Barakah, insha Allah. 

For example, if someone lies to their customers to buy his product, they may buy it for the first time. 

But what happens after that?
The customers realize that they've been lied to. Now they won't only not return anymore; that person has also committed an immense sin for lying.

But if you are honest and try to give people the best they deserve, they will trust you and come back to you while bringing other clients with them.

Furthermore, ethics is also the way you deal with your environment. Try to have the best impact possible; this may be social as environmental.

Because remember: The most beloved people to Allah are those that are beneficial for people.

Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people. The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or remove one of his troubles, or forgive his debt, or feed his hunger. …”

So if you want Barakah in your Business, don’t forget ethics, insha Allah 😊


BWB Podcast with Osama,
Founder of Muslim Amber

Why is a strong mental game important? How do you grow your business? Muslim business leader?

These are some of the topics we’ve discussed during our first BWB Podcast, with Osama as our first guest.

Osama Musa is the founder of Muslim Ameer. Osama is on a mission to develop 1000 Muslim leaders by 2030, insha Allah

Who should be the next guest? Reply on this mail with telling who you would like to see on the podcast, insha Allah!

You began your week greatly by reading the Business With Barakah newsletter, Alhamdou lillah !

I'm willing to know what topics interest you 🫵
Reply to this mail by telling about what you would want to read in the next edition, which will be published this Friday insha Allah 😄

Don't forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters in your dua's 🇵🇸 🤲

Barakallahou fik and Ramadan Kareem 😊

- Business With Barakah 💙

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